Now that you have decided on Affiliate Marketing to earn some extra money or perhaps build a full time marketing business selling the best affiliate marketing programs we can get onto the next stage of the business. If you have been following my previous articles you will see that we have gone through the essential tasks and have now come to the stage where we need to get some traffic to our affiliate links through article marketing.
I am starting off with article marketing because it is free and quite effective if you can get a number of articles distributed to article directories – e.g. EzineArticles.com. There are hundreds of directories that you can send your articles to but you will have to register with them first. Visit some of the article sites and read the articles so that you can get a feel of what is needed for a good article.
Now the first thing you need to do is is register a domain name because most article directories will not let you link directly to an affiliate product through your article. So you have to get a domain name perhaps that relates to your chosen product then you include the domain name in your article and this can be set up so that it diverts to your chosen product. A domain name only costs around $10 for a year so this will be your only expense and it looks more professional.
If you have bought your chosen info product you can write a review about your experience of using it and how it helped you. If you haven’t purchased it the only thing you can do is use the information available on the sales page but obviously you are going to know more about the product if you have bought it, at least for your first effort.
You need to write about 300 – 400 words including your key phrase two or three times – remember in an earlier article I mentioned using Google’s Keyword Tool External to find the best keywords and also related keywords. So if your article was on ‘Fishing’ and you thought ‘fishing for carp’ would be the best keywords for you to use, just use them at the beginning, the middle and at the end of your article. That way anyone who put ‘fishing for carp’ into the search engines would have a chance of finding your article and affiliate link.
At the end of your article but usually in a separate resource box you can put your by-line (your name) and a few words about yourself and also your domain name.
Now that you have finished your first article, I would suggest submitting it to EzineArticles first and when it is accepted by them, alter it slightly and submit it to other directories. To make sure your articles spread the word quickly about the product you are promoting and are found by the search engines I would say write around ten different articles to submit to article directories over the first ten days or so. The more articles you have out there about best selling affiliate programs the more you are going to sell or gain commissions for.